Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Where has the Time Gone?

Im twenty-seven....there is no way to make that number sound exciting. Im almost to thirty and thats all I can think about when I hear that number...gag me. Travis and I recently decided that we would try for another child. "If were going to do it, it might as well be now" he tells me. So I say okay. BAM. Three months later, I pee on a stick. Yep. Preggers! Am I happy? Im not sure what I am to be honest with you. I love my daughter Patricia and I know I will love this baby, but I can't help but think of all of the days and nights of no sleep. Actually, scratch that, Im not really worried about the no sleep. Its dealing with a 4 year old and an infant that has me shaking in my boots! Its insane! I find out Im pregnant, quit my job and get married all in the same 2 weeks. I have lost my mind. Somebody put in a padded room and throw away the key. Don't get me wrong, I wanted this too...its just...well, I didn't think it would be so fast! The beginning of summer and Im knocked up. Morning sickness galore. "That isnt a healthy glow" I tell people...its the queasiness and complete exhaustion that your seeing. Like I said, total loon here.

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